James Baker

Cofounder of Dragon Systems

James K. Baker is the cofounder of Dragon Systems, a speech recognition company that introduced the world's first general-purpose speech dictation/transcription software, Dragon NaturallySpeaking® in 1997. Dragon's technology has been incorporated globally into leading applications, including Apple's Siri, cloud-based services, automotive navigation/control systems, healthcare systems, smart TVs, and more, with many hundreds of millions of users.

Baker’s current research focuses on deep learning and human-guided AI, with a goal of achieving superior intelligence through cooperative efforts of human teams and AI systems. The systems are designed to be understandable, explainable, and sensible in their decisions, and the methodology also supports lifelong and continual learning. Baker is the lead inventor for ten patents with many more patents pending. 

Baker was valedictorian of his undergraduate class at Princeton University, and CHM Fellow Raj Reddy served as his advisor for his PhD at Carnegie Mellon.


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